Pursuant to 24 VSA §1972, the Warren Select Board wishes to notify residents and
visitors of the town of parking restrictions set forth in the Town of Warren Parking and
Traffic Ordinance, Title II, Section II. These restrictions become especially important
during WINTER weather when snow plows must be able to operate to maintain general
and emergency traffic circulation. Starting November 15, 2018-April 15, 2019.
- Parking prohibited.
All parking of motor vehicles or other conveyances is prohibited between
the hours of 12 o’clock midnight and 7 o’clock a.m. in the following locations:
(1) On both sides of Town Highway (TH) #16 (West Hill Road) from its intersection with Route 100 to its intersection with TH #46 opposite the LaRock Property.
(2) On both sides of TH #4 (Main Street) between its north and south
intersections with Route 100, except for an area on the east side of
Main Street running from the northern lot line of the so-called Pitcher Inn
Property to a point fifteen (15) feet northerly of Bridge #32 (known as “the
cement bridge”) located on Main Street in the center of Warren Village.
(3) On both sides of TH #1 (Brook Road) from its intersection with Main
Street to its intersection with TH #22 (Freeman Road—formerly known
as the Dump Road).
(B) Removal of vehicles parked in violation.
Any motor vehicles or other conveyances parked on the streets and public
property of the Town of Warren in violation of Title II, Section II (a) may be
removed forthwith upon order of a law enforcement officer or official of the
fire department who finds such action necessary for public safety or upon order
of an official of the highway department who find it necessary for the proper
plowing, maintenance or repair of said street or when water mains or pipes
under said street require immediate removal of a conveyance. All cost of said
removal and any expense incurred securing the conveyance shall be charged
against its owner or the person responsible for that conveyance at the time
removal is ordered. The conveyance shall not be released until all such costs
have been paid.
(C) Removal of vehicles parked without authorization.
Whenever any motor vehicle or conveyance shall impede access to any public or
private property within the Town of Warren, or be parked there without
authorization of the owner or other person entitled to its use or possession,
any police officer may order its removal. The owner of such vehicle shall pay
any reasonable towing and storage charges, which charges shall be a lien on
said vehicle.
(D) Stopping or parking on curb, hill, or highway.
Any motor vehicle or other conveyance parked or stopped on the streets or roads
of the Town of Warren in violation of 23 V.S.A. §1101 or other applicable
sections of Vermont Statutes Annotated may be removed under the same
conditions as those described in (B) above.
The full text of the Parking and Traffic Ordinance is available for review at the Warren
Town Clerk’s Office.
Andrew Cunningham, Chairman