What the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Means to You

Jeff CampbellBlog

What the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” Executive Order Means to Vermonters

Effective Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 5 p.m.


Stay home, stay safe. Vermonters are directed to stay at home and leave only for essential reasons such as: personal safety; groceries or medicine; curbside pick-up of goods, meals or beverages; medical care; exercise; care of others; and work, as set forth further below. 

Folks can continue to go outside, take walks, go to the grocery store and pharmacies while practicing “social distancing” and proper hygiene.  If you are sick, please stay home to protect others.

Businesses and non-profits

Suspend in-person operations. Businesses and non-profits are directed to suspend in-person business operations, and as directed previously, must ensure all workers work remotely whenever possible.

Operations that can be conducted online or by phone, or sales that can be facilitated with curbside pickup or delivery only, can continue, including restaurants that were providing takeout service under the previous closure order. Otherwise, non-exempt businesses must close.

Essential services and functions

Essential services and functions remain in operation. Businesses and entities providing services or functions deemed critical to public health and safety, as well as economic and national security can remain in operation and are not subject to suspend in-person operation restrictions, but are expected to adhere to social distancing, hygiene and cleaning requirements. Essential state and local government services and functions remain open. For a detailed list of essential services or functions in Vermont view Addendum 6.

The Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) has published a guide using NAICS codes to help businesses interpret acceptable in-person business functions under this Order. Additionally, the Agency has published FAQs which should be reviewed to clarify the intent of the Executive Order. If businesses still need clarification or would like to make a request for their in-person business functions, they can submit their request using the ACCD online form.


Enforcement of this executive order will be handled primarily through education and voluntary compliance. The executive order does not close roads, nor does it establish roadblocks or checkpoints. Motor-vehicle and pedestrian traffic will continue as Vermonters engage in permissible activities outdoors and travel to and from businesses (including grocery stores and pharmacies) and other entities that are continuing to operate as the order allows. The executive order does not establish cause to initiate a motor vehicle stop or detain people for questioning about their travel, but law enforcement officers may be reminding people of the order’s provisions if they see groups congregating or businesses operating in violation of the order.