The MRV Emergency Response Team believes Vermonters will do their part to enhance community safety by following Governor Scott’s orders to “Stay Home, Stay Safe,” and shelter in place in order to stop the spread of COVID-19, regardless of age or vulnerability. This means we are asking you to stay where you are. If you are here in Vermont or in another location, please stay at that location until the containment of the virus is effective. By sheltering in place we are able to greatly reduce the spread of the virus and will save lives.
Sheltering in place protocol states that you leave your house only:
- To engage in outdoor activity provided you comply with social distancing requirements of at least six feet between people outside of the same family
- To engage in activities or tasks essential to your health and safety or family members’ health and safety
- To obtain necessary services or supplies like groceries or household necessities
- To care for a family member or pet in another household
- To obtain health care services
We ask all MRV residents to heed the protocol above and not leave your home to congregate with neighbors, take hikes or walks in groups and to take responsibility to not spread COVID-19 though social activities. This time of social distancing and practicing “Stay Home, Stay Safe,” is challenging for us all, but our actions can make a difference.
If you have travelled into the state of Vermont we urge you to follow Governor Scott’s order that directs residents and non-residents coming from outside the state for anything other than an essential purpose to home-quarantine for 14 days and strongly discourages travel to Vermont.
The Mad River Valley Emergency Response management team and volunteer coordinators are in constant contact with, and report to, the select boards and towns of Waitsfield, Fayston, Moretown, Warren. Be kind, be safe and know that we are here and working for each community member.