June 19, 2017
Site Visits Development Review Board Will Conduct Site Visits: 6:00 PM, 731 VT. Rte 100, Warren Lodge (previously Golden Lion) 6:30 PM, 2017 at 630 Main Street, property owners, John & Jean Sharry Regular Public Hearing Call the meeting to order, 7:00 pm I. HEARINGS MEETINGS The Warren Development Review Board has scheduled a public hearing at 7:00 PM, Monday, June 19, 2017 at the Warren Municipal Building to consider the following applications. 1. Application 2017-27-VO, Appeal of Zoning Administrators Violation. The applicant, 731 ROUTE 100 LLC., removed trees within the 50’ riparian stream buffer in the Flood Hazard Overlay District. The violation will be reviewed under Section 3.13 (Surface Water Protection) and Table 2.14 (Flood Hazard Overlay District (FHO) of the Warren Land Use and Development Regulations .The property is an existing inn d/b/a The Warren Lodge on . in the Rural Residential District, Property Id 100000-700. ( Applicant has request a continuance until July 17, 2017) 2. Application 2017-26-VO & CU Unpermitted development in the Fluvial Erosion Hazard Overlay District (FEH). The property owners, John F. & Mrs. Jean S. Sharry commenced construction of a raised patio within the FEH overlay district.. The property owners, John F. & Mrs. Jean S. Sharry commenced construction of a raised patio within the flood hazard overlay district. Once the violation is established, a plan for restoration of the flood area will be reviewed under conditional use. . The violation will be reviewed under § 2., Table 2.14 ,Flood Hazard Overlay District (FHO) and §§ 5, 9 & 10 of the Warren Land Use and Development Regulations .The DRB will also review, under conditional use, recommendations for restoration of FHO’s flooding capabilities. The property is an existing single family residence, located in the Warren Village Historic, FEH and Flood Hazard Overlay Districts, Property Id 004004-800. 3. Application 2017-28-CU Conditional Use approval for an Accessory Dwelling (AD). The applicants, Steven R. & Charlotte K. Robinson request approval for an AD on the second floor of a proposed garage.; The first floor of the proposed structure will be 864 ft² (36’ L X 24’ W)and the AD will occupy no more than 838.5 feet square of the garage structure. The principal dwelling is 2759 ft². The property is located at 426 Robinson Rd in the Rural Residential District, Parcel ID. # 028001-90 Application 2017-28-CU Conditional Use approval for an Accessory Dwelling (AD). The applicants, Steven R. & Charlotte K. Robinson request approval for an AD on the second floor of a proposed garage.; The first floor of the proposed structure will be 864 ft² (36’ L X 24’ W)and the AD will occupy no more than 838.5 feet square of the garage structure. The principal dwelling is 2759 ft². The property is located at 426 Robinson Rd in the Rural Residential District, Parcel ID. # 028001-9044